Wednesday, September 19, 2007

BTCA Specialty - Obedience

Today was obedience day for me at the specialty. I did regular obedience (Novice B) and qualified. Donna accidently entered me in the wrong rally class (Exc A rather than B), so we just played in that class since it didn't count.

I got to meet an uncle and aunt of mine that live on this side of the continent rather than my side. They were part of an obedience team. An obedience team is four dogs that do obedience together at the same time in the ring. My relatives team was named "Rugby Kids" since all of them were sired by Hollybridge Raffles (aka Rugby). The team that won was called Bordering on Obedience. They were very good. I've been warned that I will be on a team one day...we'll see.

My niece Teasle qualified and took first place in Pre-Novice Obedience.

Later we had a Parade of Honor. I looked really good when I strutted around. I hope that the girls got a chance to see me. Harry and Free were in the Parade too.

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